View Full Version : Solved: Hidng Word2007 Content Controls

11-22-2010, 02:52 PM
I have simple template with an ActiveX checkbox and a number of content controls

If the checkbox is checked then I'd like hide (but not delete) selected content controls

But ... there doesn't seem to be a .Visible property of the ContentControl object that the checkbox code can set or reset

Is there ANY way to just hide a content control?


11-24-2010, 11:39 AM
There is the rather weak solution of using Hidden text as a format option.

11-25-2010, 08:22 AM
Hmmm - I locked the Content Control against editing and deleting, AND changed the Font Color to White instead of Hidden

It makes the control invisible to the eye, but it's still there if you click on it.

I'd Googled some othe ideas about overlaying a Shape and making the shape invisible, but at least for now it looks like there's no way to just .Enabled = False for the control :dunno

Oh well, maybe in Word 2013 :devil2:


11-25-2010, 07:29 PM
Slight update --

Since the content control is in a table cell, instead of .Font = white, I decided to shade the cell Gray20, and the same for the .Font color.

Net effect is the same as Hidden text or Font color = White, but gray-ing out the cell (and the text) makes it clearer which options don't apply when the checkbox is checked
