View Full Version : Userform Complete All Fields

12-09-2010, 06:57 AM
I have a Useform containing textboxes and option buttons which opens when a Word document is opened and I have two problems - first, if a textbox is left blank, a message appears asking for it to be completed. When this message is acknowledged, the Userform does not reappear to allow for the textbox to be completed - the Word doc appears. Second, when the Userform has been completed, and "OK" is clicked, none of the DocVariable fields in the Word doc are updated.

My code is:

Option Explicit
Public boolProceed As Boolean

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClearForm_Click()

optStatus1.Value = True
TextBox1.Value = Null
TextBox2.Value = Null
TextBox3.Value = Null
TextBox4.Value = Null
TextBox5.Value = Null
TextBox6.Value = Null
TextBox7.Value = Null
TextBox8.Value = Null
TextBox9.Value = Null
TextBox10.Value = Null
TextBox11.Value = Null
TextBox12.Value = Null
TextBox13.Value = Null
TextBox14.Value = Null
TextBox15.Value = Null
TextBox16.Value = Null
TextBox17.Value = Null
TextBox18.Value = Null
TextBox19.Value = Null
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

Dim boolComplete As Boolean
Dim oVars As Variables

Set oVars = ActiveDocument.Variables

'Update the fields in the document

Select Case ""
Case Me.TextBox1.Value
MsgBox "Please type your full name."
Exit Sub
Case Me.TextBox2.Value
MsgBox "Please type your institution."
Exit Sub
Case Me.TextBox5.Value
MsgBox "Please fill-in your address."
Exit Sub
Case Me.TextBox3.Value
MsgBox "Please fill-in your phone number."
Exit Sub
Case Me.TextBox4.Value
MsgBox "Please type your email address."
Exit Sub
End Select

Me.boolProceed = True

Dim strFrame1 As String
Dim strFrame2 As String
Dim strSubmissionType As String
Dim ctl As Control

If optStatus1 = True Then strFrame1 = "Research Student"
If optStatus2 = True Then strFrame1 = "Academic Staff Member"
If optStatus3 = True Then strFrame1 = "Practising Staff Member"
If optStatus4 = True Then strFrame1 = "Independent"
If optStatus5 = True Then strFrame1 = "Other"
If optAll = True Then strFrame2 = "All"
If optPrimary = True Then strFrame2 = "Primary"
If optSecondary = True Then strFrame2 = "Secondary"
If optFE = True Then strFrame2 = "FE"
If optHE = True Then strFrame2 = "HE"
If optResearcher = True Then strFrame2 = "Researcher"
If optOther = True Then strFrame2 = "Other (please specify)"
If optType1 = True Then strSubmissionType = "Paper"
If optType2 = True Then strSubmissionType = "Workshop"
If optType3 = True Then strSubmissionType = "Poster Session"
If optType4 = True Then strSubmissionType = "Other (please specify)"

boolComplete = True

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
Select Case TypeName(ctl)
Case "TextBox1"
Case "TextBox2"
Case "TextBox3"
Case "TextBox4"
Case "TextBox5"
Case "TextBox6"
Case "TextBox7"
Case "TextBox8"
Case "TextBox8"
Case "TextBox9"
Case "TextBox10"
Case "TextBox11"
Case "TextBox12"
Case "TextBox13"
Case "TextBox14"
Case "TextBox15"
Case "TextBox16"
Case "TextBox17"
Case "TextBox18"
Case "TextBox19"

If ctl.Value = "" Then
boolComplete = False
ctl.BackColor = vbRed
ctl.BackColor = &H80000005
End If

End Select
Next ctl

MsgBox "You have not completed the form" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please fill in the highlighted boxes", vbExclamation, "Incomplete"
Call myUpdateFields

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton3_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub OptionButton4_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
optStatus1.Value = True

End Sub
Sub CallUF()
Dim oFrm As frmPresenterSubmission
Dim oVars As Word.Variables
Dim pStr As String
Dim oRng As Word.Range
Dim i As Long
Dim pMulSel As String
Dim boolProceed As Boolean

Set oVars = ActiveDocument.Variables
Set oFrm = New frmPresenterSubmission

With oFrm
If boolProceed Then
oVars("varName").Value = TextBox1
oVars("varInstitution").Value = TextBox2
oVars("varPhone").Value = TextBox3
oVars("varEmail").Value = TextBox4
oVars("varAddress").Value = TextBox5
'Replace the line breaks entered by the user with line breaks and tabs_to ensure address entry is properly indented.
pStr = Replace(TextBox5.Value, Chr(10), Chr(10) + Chr(9))
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("bmAddress").Range
oRng.Text = pStr
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add "bmAddress", oRng
End If
If .CheckBox1.Value = True Then pStr = "Yes,"
If .CheckBox2.Value = True Then pStr = "No,"
If .CheckBox3.Value = True Then pStr = "Yes,"
If .CheckBox4.Value = True Then pStr = "No,"

End With
Unload oFrm
Set oFrm = Nothing
Set oVars = Nothing
Set oRng = Nothing
End Sub

Sub myUpdateFields()
Dim pRange As Word.Range
Dim iLink As Long

For Each pRange In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
Set pRange = pRange.NextStoryRange
Loop Until pRange Is Nothing
End Sub

I'm sure this code needs cleaning up as well as resolving the 2 issues above. Any guidance much appreciated.

12-09-2010, 09:41 AM
Fixing your code without access to your form is a pretty tall order. Basically you new to evaluate the content of each text control for content and procede accordingly. Something like this:

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
If ValidateTextInput(Me) = True Then
With ActiveDocument
.Variables("Text1").Value = Me.TextBox1.Text
.Variables("Text2").Value = Me.TextBox2.Text
End With
Unload Me
End If
End Sub
Function ValidateTextInput(ByRef oFrm As UserForm) As Boolean
ValidateTextInput = False
Dim oCtr As Control
For Each oCtr In oFrm.Controls
If TypeName(oCtr) = "TextBox" Then
If oFrm.Controls(oCtr.Name).Text = "" Then
MsgBox "One or more text fields were left blank."
Exit Function
End If
End If
ValidateTextInput = True
End Function

12-09-2010, 12:10 PM
That's really helpful, Greg. Thanks. I'll work through this and post again. If I need additional help, I'll provide details of the form.

12-11-2010, 12:15 AM
Still struggling with this, I'm afraid. The UserForm is not reappearing after the error message picks up incomplete fields.
How do I give you access to the form ? Copy and paste doesn't seem to be an option.

12-12-2010, 11:59 AM
Do you still have the Me.Hide statement in the first line of your cmdOK_Click event? That might explain why.

12-17-2010, 11:29 AM
That was it ! Thanks. Have nearly finished this now but stuck on how to call a second userform to check that a text value exists.

Here is a summary of what I have:-

A Word document template containing several DocVariables and 1 bookmark address field

1 UserForm containing 18 textboxes, 3 frames containing option buttons and 2 pairs of Yes/No Checkboxes. This form has OK, Cancel and Clear controls

1 UserForm containing 1 textbox

I would like to add a procedure to the OK command button which checks the textbox on the second userform that text has been entered before updating the template docvariables and unloading the userforms. The OK control successfully validates all textboxes and option buttons and updates the template fields - so it is just the code for checking the second userform textbox I need. Can you advise ?

12-17-2010, 12:26 PM
I don't follow exactly what your are trying to do. Why don't you add the single text field from UserForm to the form with the other 18? Or why don't you use a multipage form? If the UserForm with the single field is UserForm1 then I suppose you would use something like this:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'Command Button in UserForm2
If UserForm1.TextBox1.Value = "" Then
End If
End Sub

12-17-2010, 12:51 PM
MutliPage! MultiPage! MutliPage!

An additional userform with a single textbox seems odd.

12-17-2010, 01:09 PM
I can see how that looks odd from my description ! The single textbox on the second user form is for a 250 word abstract which the user is required to complete after filling in all the textboxes on the first userform - way too big for the first userform. My solution is to create a second userform with just this one textbox and a control to take the user back to the first userform and the opportunity of a final check before submitting.

Not sure I understand the difference between a second userform and a multipage form ? Pros and cons ?

12-17-2010, 01:29 PM

The pro: all controls are on one userform

There are no cons.

12-17-2010, 02:17 PM
Agree with Gerry.

Your user can move back and forth between the pages of the Multipage form using the visisble page tabs or you can move between pages programatically (e.g., using click or exit events) using:

Me.MultiPage.Value = 0 (or 1, 2, etc. depending on which page you want to move to). Note pages are indexed from 0

All of the controls are still a part of "Me" so your validation code simply needs to include the textbox on the additional page.

12-18-2010, 02:08 AM
You've sold it ! What a constructive and educational resource this forum is. Thanks to you both - Gerry and Greg.

Multipage now under construction !
