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View Full Version : modification to an Access 2007 program

Cliff rogers
12-22-2010, 12:56 AM
Hi everyone. :hi: I am trying to make some changes to a program where someone used a template that came with Access 2007 to create a tracking system for students for a church. I have created a program in VB 6.0 to prevent unauthorized users from accessing any part of the computer except to login a student. I now need to modify some of the database itself to perform a few essential functions and I don't remember anything from my school's Access class (probably not valid anymore as the class was completed in 2001.)

Let me just say here and now that while I am not the perfect coder when it comes to naming conventions and normalizing databases I am working with a program that someone else created and if I was going to modify this to meet all proper coding practices I would just recreate the program in VB or C# and redo the whole database. However, this is a project that I took on pro bono for a friend's church because he helped me get rid of a virus that completely wiped my hard drive so I cannot afford to do this. Everything has been within my skill level until I tried to do the following things and now this is fast becoming way more than I bargained for.

In a nutshell what I am needing to do is the following:
1. When the user enters a number in a specific textbox on a form and then moves to the next entry I need the program to determine the ID number of this record and concatenate it to the front of the number that was entered into the textbox to create a unique login number for the parent to use to log a student into the system. However, since the record has not been saved yet I think the record will need to be saved first and then handle the creation of the login number. I can delay the display of the new login code until after all of the data for this record has been entered and the record has been saved if I need to.
2. I have a table called Student Attendance that has a field called Student which is a combo box that is bound to a Query. As near as I can tell the query is supposed to pull the ID and Student Name from another query and display the ID number and Student Name but only retain the ID after a choice is made. Using dummy data that I input the only thing I see is the name and that is what it stores and displays. In design view this field of the table is set to hold a number (long integer) not text.

The user already uses several of the reports and functions that are built in to this program so I cannot make changes to the tables that will disrupt the existing queries and reports or I will really make my life difficult so that is not an option but if anyone has any suggestions on this I would appreciate the help.

I am new to this forum but I have been a member of VBCity for a long time so I understand that no one wants to do the work for someone else so that they can be paid for it. I promise you that this is not a paying job nor is it homework. I am just getting to a point of frustration with this that I am ready to be done with it and yet I can't justify turning over a flawed program.

If someone can point me to some tutorials on how to do what I am trying to do I will try to teach myself how to finish this but if there is someone who is willing to accept a copy of this database and resolve my issues I would really appreciate it.

Thanks for all help offered, : pray2:
