View Full Version : Nesting formulas or VBA Code to complete

01-13-2011, 11:16 AM
I am making a sad attempt to build a complex formula or code I guess. Here is what I have: :help :help :help

Column C list a discription; the discription is a result of the below VLOOKUP code referencing a worksheet within the workbook:

=IF(B67="","",VLOOKUP(B67,'Combined Price Master 1-12-2011'!A3:G3248,2,FALSE))

Some of my descriptions include a ** which denotes a product type, see below example:

Bridge Unit BU3020 **

I have additional columns to the right that are calculating cost. My ultimate goal is to have any product with the ** roll up as a total dollar amount to the first line item in a column on the far right. So in column R I would like a formula that goes back to column C, looks for the **, if the ** is there enters the dollar amount listed in column Q and if the ** is not listed in the description enters 0.

Because this seems to be too many conditions I decided to build the final result one column at a time. In Column S I will take the sum of R65-R79. All of the other rows in S will equal the adjacent cell in R, in the end resulting in $0 listed for products in the same row that contain a ** and the actual dollar of all other products. The products with the ** will be part of the combined total of in S65 based on sum of R65-R79.

I believe my formula hang up has to do with the fact that the original reference fields C66-C79 are the result of a formula, thus not true text or value, am I correct??? Can I get around this??

01-17-2011, 07:29 PM
Hi dbanks,

Welcome to VBA Express.

It would be helpful if you could attach a copy of said workbook with a description/demo of what you're trying to achieve.