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View Full Version : Excel 2003 VBA coding and "pop up button" help

02-03-2011, 05:47 PM

I want to thank any and everyone in advance for helping me on this! I am using excel 2003 and am a bit of a novice when it comes to VBA coding.

OK here is what I am looking to do

1.“pause” my macro using a “pop up button” until I finish making manual modifications to my worksheet. Once I am done making those modifications I want to hit the OK on the “pop up button” and have my macro continue automatically.

2.the things I want the macro to do automatically after I hit the OK button is to –

a.(the auto filter will already be on) sort column “I” by ascending

b. Turn auto filter off

I would be SO grateful if someone could help me write this coding in VBA (as I’m still a novice).I got the idea from this post - "forums.techguy.org/archive-business-applications/757855-solved-excel-pause-macro-input-2.html"

02-04-2011, 08:53 AM
Start your userform in modalless mode.

UserForm1.Show vbModalless

then you can edit the spreadsheet while the userform is visible.