View Full Version : Iterating through a set of MailItems

02-24-2011, 03:28 PM
I have some code that grabs a set of emails from a folder like such:

Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutNS = OutApp.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Set OutRecipient = OutNS.CreateRecipient(ABC_MailboxName)
Set OutFolder = OutNS.GetSharedDefaultFolder(OutRecipient, 6) 'olFolderInbox = 6

Set OutItems = OutFolder.Items
I then iterate through the messages: if a MailItem has an attachment with the correct name, the attachment is saved to a temp folder.

My question is: is my set of MailItems static or dynamic?

In other words, what happens if a new email is sent to this folder (separately, either by an open instance of Outlook or the Exchange server)? Is my set of items updated to include the new email, or is it static from the point when I put the Object handle on the Folder.Items?

Second question: Deleting those emails

Once I've saved all the attachments, then I have a loop to go back and delete all of the emails. However, this code doesn't work! It always seems to leave ONE email in the box, which suggests that I'm missing something about how the MailItem collections work.

For Each OutMail In OutItems

Set OutAttachments = OutMail.Attachments

For Each OutAttach In OutAttachments

If OutAttach.Filename = constABCInputFName Then
End If

Next OutAttach

Next OutMail

02-25-2011, 07:04 AM
My question is: is my set of MailItems static or dynamic?

I'm guessing here, but I think it's dynamic. You could try dropping an email into the folder and see what happens to OutItems.Count.

Once I've saved all the attachments, then I have a loop to go back and delete all of the emails. However, this code doesn't work! It always seems to leave ONE email in the box, which suggests that I'm missing something about how the MailItem collections work.

If you are deleting, you need to loop backwards. Use a For Loop instead of a For Each Loop. You may also want to apply the Restrict Method (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb220369(v=office.12).aspx) on your loop (limiting the collection to items with attachments) to make it faster.

02-25-2011, 12:03 PM
If you are deleting, you need to loop backwards. Use a For Loop instead of a For Each Loop.

Um... What? You mean For/Next loop? I don't understand.

Thanks for the Restrict Method, though, that looks VERY useful.

02-25-2011, 05:32 PM
Let's do both.

First, you'll need to create a subset of your items, using the Restrict Method.

Set OutItems = OutItems.Restrict("[Attachment] > 0")
This will filter the existing collection, creating a subset of items that have attachments.

Then we iterate backwards through the collection, since we need to delete. This is where the For Loop comes in.

Dim i As Long

For i = OutItems.Count To 1 Step -1
' set an object reference to current message
Set OutMail = OutItems.Item(i)
Set OutAttachments = OutMail.Attachments

For Each OutAttach In OutAttachments
If OutAttach.Filename = constABCInputFName Then
End If
Next OutAttach
Next i

03-08-2011, 02:56 PM
Apparently, working with Items Collections in Outlook is a tricky thing... not only are the Collections dynamic, but there are both static and dynamic Object handles that can be attached to them!

Great wisdom on the topic found here:

The Restrict Method was not as useful as I had hoped. What I would really have liked to do is to filter to all MailItems in a Collection that had an Attachment with a specific name. Something like:

Set OutItems = OutItems.Restrict("[Attachment.FileName] = """ & strVariable & """")
However, it appears the Attachment Properties are not available to the Restrict method. If they are, I couldn't figure out the syntax.

Here is (most) of my final code. This Sub iterates through an Inbox, creating a record of each MailItem in an array, and saving the Workbook Attachments to a temp directory. Then, the data in each Workbook is uploaded to an Access DB with SQL injection.

Finally, the original emails are deleted. Instead of iterating through and looking for the Attachment again, emails are identified by their EntryID property, so that each email can be directly deleted.

'**Set up Outlook objects
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutNS = OutApp.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Set OutRecipient = OutNS.CreateRecipient(constMailBoxName)
Set OutFolder = OutNS.GetSharedDefaultFolder(OutRecipient, 6) 'olFolderInbox = 6
Set OutItems = OutFolder.Items

'restrict and sort items
Set OutItems = OutItems.Restrict("[MessageClass] = 'IPM.Note'")
OutItems.Sort "[Received]", False

'**iterate through mailitems in inbox to find Mail Item with correct attachment,
'copy to temp directory (in order)
lngCount = 0

'get first item
Set OutMail = OutItems.GetFirst

'begin loop
Do While TypeName(OutMail) <> "Nothing"

Set OutAttachments = OutMail.Attachments

For Each OutAttach In OutAttachments

If OutAttach.Filename = constInputFName Then

'increase count
lngCount = lngCount + 1

'Store Entry ID and Recieved date/time
ReDim Preserve arrEmails(1 To 3, 1 To lngCount)
arrEmails(1, lngCount) = OutMail.entryid
arrEmails(2, lngCount) = CDate(OutMail.receivedtime)

'Save file to tempdir with new name
strFName = constABCInputFNameStub & lngCount & ".xls"
arrEmails(3, lngCount) = strFName
OutAttach.SaveAsFile strTempDir & "\" & strFName

End If

Next OutAttach

'switch to next item
Set OutMail = OutItems.Getnext


'**Import data to database

'branch on quantity: excape out if less then 1 file to process
If lngCount < 1 Then GoTo EscapeHatch

'open DB connection

'Loop through workbooks
For x = 1 To lngCount

'Workbook handling routine REMOVED:
'opens workbook as readonly
'Creates new Records in DataBase
'closes workbook

'**Delete the original email

'Refresh object handles
Set OutItems = OutFolder.Items
Set OutItems = OutItems.Restrict("[MessageClass] = 'IPM.Note'")
Set OutMail = OutItems.GetFirst

'begin loop

If OutMail.entryid = arrEmails(1, x) Then
Exit Do
Set OutMail = OutItems.Getnext
End If


Next x


'Clean up all variables and Objects