Zack Barresse
06-17-2005, 02:49 PM
Hello everybody,
Hope mid-June finds everybody well. Weather here in Eastern Oregon is starting to brighten up. Save a little wind it's about picture perfect (!
I wanted to let everybody know that we have shuffled around a couple of staff positions. First of all, kpuls (, aka Ken Puls, has taken the position of Senior Admin. He will be responsible for the oversight of all other Administrator's (excluding Site Admin's). He will be making sure that we have adequate resources and ample warm bodies to fill our staff positions. He will create any position that he see's fit and staff it as his desire. Yes folks, he has the power! Muwahahaha!! (Okay, inside joke. But it's funny!) Seriously, anything that needs done, this guy can do it. He has mine and DRJ's full confidence and support. :yes
Also, Johnske (, aka John Skewes, has been promoted to fill the position of Chat VP/Administrator. Previously held by Ken, this position is a very hefty Administrator position. To include all of the Administrator duties and head up our Chat service. Ken has done a great job of this for us in the past and set us up for success in the future. For that I thank Ken! And I'm sure John will do a superb job for us as well!
To both of you fine gentlemen, I tip my hat, and say Thank You!! :clap:
Hope mid-June finds everybody well. Weather here in Eastern Oregon is starting to brighten up. Save a little wind it's about picture perfect (!
I wanted to let everybody know that we have shuffled around a couple of staff positions. First of all, kpuls (, aka Ken Puls, has taken the position of Senior Admin. He will be responsible for the oversight of all other Administrator's (excluding Site Admin's). He will be making sure that we have adequate resources and ample warm bodies to fill our staff positions. He will create any position that he see's fit and staff it as his desire. Yes folks, he has the power! Muwahahaha!! (Okay, inside joke. But it's funny!) Seriously, anything that needs done, this guy can do it. He has mine and DRJ's full confidence and support. :yes
Also, Johnske (, aka John Skewes, has been promoted to fill the position of Chat VP/Administrator. Previously held by Ken, this position is a very hefty Administrator position. To include all of the Administrator duties and head up our Chat service. Ken has done a great job of this for us in the past and set us up for success in the future. For that I thank Ken! And I'm sure John will do a superb job for us as well!
To both of you fine gentlemen, I tip my hat, and say Thank You!! :clap: