View Full Version : Date format

03-18-2011, 07:04 AM
I am using transfertext to export query results to a text file. I am having an issue with the formatting of a date field. The field (adm_date) exports as mm/dd/yyy instead of mm/dd/yyyy. Sometimes every date in that field will be exported in that format, and sometimes certain ones will and certain ones will be in the mm/dd/yyyy format.

There are other date fields in the query results that export as mm/dd/yyyy. I have checked the original text file that gets imported which this query is generated from and adm_date is mm/dd/yyyy. adm_date imports as mm/dd/yyyy to the original table. adm_date is also formatted as mm/dd/yyyy in the query results within access. this was verified by manually running the query in access. but when adm_date from the query exports to a text file the last digit of the year is truncated.

I have also checked the export specification and it is set to use 4 digit years. I have set the format of the adm_date field in the table to mm/dd/yyyy as well.

Any ideas as to why adm_date is not exporting as mm/dd/yyyy?

03-28-2011, 07:55 AM
any ideas on what could be causing this?