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View Full Version : Solved: Formula Help

04-11-2011, 04:46 PM

I'm trying to help a friend who switched to the Mac. He has a file that worked in "Windows". However, he now uses the same Excel file with Mac 2011 Excel. I looked at his file in both Windows and Mac and there is a difference.
The following formula gives the correct result in Windows, but it does not give the desired result on the Mac.
Here's the formula.


The result he is looking for is in column "AD98" ( this formula in in column AD)and the result should be a "4" (this value in in the widows side) but for the Mac it shows a "3". Is there a compatibility issue with formulas between the Mac and Windows.
All of the formats for both the Windows and Mac are the same.

04-12-2011, 11:26 AM
The formula should work.
Have you tried replacing SUMIF / COUNTIF with AVERAGEIF?
Are there any merged cells involved?
Could you attach a workbook that has a small sample of your (non-sensitive) data that still exhibits the error?

04-12-2011, 11:38 AM

Thanks for the reply and no I did not try to replace what you suggested. I did however, do so when I received your response. I changed the "CountIf" to "AverageIf" and the value that I was suppose to see appeared. It begs one to wonder why it did not work with "CountIf"? Any way thanks for the reply. It was a great help.