View Full Version : Need a person good in VBA to help me (Willing to pay)

04-16-2011, 12:33 PM
Ok, so, I've finished most of the tables for my work in access as well as all the relationships and needed. However, I'm having a hard time coding a VBA code.

Here is a small brief on what needs to be done:
A book can be on loan for fourteen days. The due date is the Loan date plus fourteen days as shown
in Table 6.1. If the Due date falls on a day when the school is closed (e.g. during a holiday period) then
the Due date becomes the date that the school reopens. A fine of £0.20 per school day is charged to
borrowers who return books after the Due date. If a book is returned more than fourteen school days
after the Due date there is an additional £1.00 charge.
• If a book is due back on Friday and is returned on the following Monday, the fine is £0.20.
• If a book is due back on Wednesday the week before half term and is returned on the Tuesday
after half term, the fine is £0.80.
The library has a number of copies of some of the more popular books which is shown under the
heading Quantity. The copy of the book on loan is shown under the heading Copy.
Mrs Reid knows that tables will be required to create an effective database and she wants the tables to
be named the same as the data files (e.g. LOAN).

I'd be extremely grateful if you can guide me on how to do it and add me on : gfxk@live.co.uk and we can discuss on msn. I prefer not to pay, but if it gets the job done I can sort it out.

Thanks, looking forward to working with some of you. : )

04-17-2011, 07:31 AM
Can you show us your latest vba attempt?

04-18-2011, 06:14 PM
Perhaps you can give us more information about this:

Mrs Reid knows that tables will be required to create an effective database and she wants the tables to be named the same as the data files (e.g. LOAN).

What data files? What data do they contain? Are they used as input to the database? Or output from the database? Both? Or something else entirely?

04-19-2011, 11:56 AM
this isn't homework is it?