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View Full Version : Help to modify code

04-16-2011, 03:43 PM
I have a code in sheet2 of this attached workbook that I need help modifing. I want to add 2 more columns to the extraction process.
This code pulls data from 7 different worksheets into one summary page based on sale inputs. All I need to do is enter 2 more columns and have this code pull out the new columns. This code also does calculations on the data it pulls as you will see. I will also need a calculation performed on the second column I am going to enter (The column titled "Down"). If someone can get me to that point I know how to make changes to the calculation amounts.
I will place the 2 columns into the 1st worksheet titled "Monday" so you may see what I am trying to accomplish.
I would really appreciate help on this.

04-18-2011, 06:07 AM

I have no idea what your are trying to achieve but you could try this
it will add 2 columns to Monday sheet

With Application.Worksheets("Monday")
.Columns("Y:Y").Insert Shift:=xlToRight ' set your column to insert
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight 'inserts another column
End With


04-18-2011, 10:52 PM
Thank you Rob342, that is not what I need to do, but I did figure how to do what I needed.
Thanks again for your reponse every ony here is so helpful.