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View Full Version : Read pdf scan

05-06-2011, 12:46 AM

I have a bunch of pdf's that I want to convert to text. There are a few free pdf to word tools out there but they only work if the original document was a text file that was saved as pdf. What I have are letters that were scanned and thus the free tools convert it into a word image so I cant copy/paste/correct the text.

Is there a way in VBA to read the text from a scanned image?


Bob Phillips
05-06-2011, 03:41 AM
I use a program called Able2Extract, but it is not free.

05-06-2011, 04:03 AM
Hi xld,

Thanks for that. I found Able2extract Pro and the free trial worked a treat but as you said it isnt free.

I often like to try and solve these problems in any case so if anyone has any ideas of how to start with this it would be appreciated
