View Full Version : [SOLVED:] increasing strings or adding strings

06-26-2005, 11:56 PM
Hi, I want to increase some string by 1 in VBA. For example, I have 00sad231f and I want to get 00sad231g. In other languages than VB, you can simply write "00sad231f"+1. Do I have any other options than write comlicated code? Thank you.

Bob Phillips
06-27-2005, 01:04 AM
Hi, I want to increase some string by 1 in VBA. For example, I have 00sad231f and I want to get 00sad231g. In other languages than VB, you can simply write "00sad231f"+1. Do I have any other options than write comlicated code? Thank you.

Very simply with no bound checking etc.

sVal = "00sad231f"
sVal = Left(sVal, Len(sVal) - 1) & Chr(Asc(Right(sVal, 1)) + 1)
Debug.Print sVal

06-27-2005, 02:17 AM
It works! Thank you! Bound checking would be nice (only A-Z 0-9 are allowed), but this helps anyway.

Bob Phillips
06-27-2005, 02:40 AM
Bound checking would be nice (only A-Z 0-9 are allowed

Function ChangeLast(val As String)
Dim sTemp As String
sTemp = Chr(Asc(Right(val, 1)))
Select Case Asc(sTemp)
Case 48 To 56, 65 To 89, 97 To 121:
sTemp = Chr(Asc(sTemp) + 1)
Case Else: 'do nothing
End Select
ChangeLast = Left(val, Len(val) - 1) & sTemp
End Function

06-27-2005, 04:17 AM
Thank you once again. The code doesn't work-for strings, that end with z or 9, it returns the same string..

06-27-2005, 04:20 AM
my point is to get from the string 403fjorz 403fjos1, from 403fjor9 403fjora etc.. I know this is quite complicated and has to be made by some cycle..

Bob Phillips
06-27-2005, 06:03 AM
my point is to get from the string 403fjorz 403fjos1, from 403fjor9 403fjora etc.. I know this is quite complicated and has to be made by some cycle..

You want my blood too :mkay

Function ChangeLast(val As String)
Dim sTemp As String
sTemp = Chr(Asc(Right(val, 1)))
Select Case Asc(sTemp)
Case 48 To 56, 65 To 89, 97 To 121:
sTemp = Chr(Asc(sTemp) + 1)
Case 57: sTemp = Chr(65)
Case 90: sTemp = Chr(97)
Case 122: sTemp = Chr(48)
Case Else: 'do nothing
End Select
ChangeLast = Left(val, Len(val) - 1) & sTemp
End Function

Sir Babydum GBE
06-27-2005, 06:24 AM
You want my blood too :mkay

Thank goodness for that - it's not just me who gives you a hard time... :giggle

06-27-2005, 06:28 AM
Still not exactly what I meant-it changes only last char.. :) Nevermind, I managed to code it myself, but xld> You helped me a lot!! Thank you very much for your effort, time and quickness of your answers.
here is the code, if anyone is interested:

Function increaseStr2(s)
Dim varData(20) As Variant
'varData = s
Max = Len(s)
For n = 0 To (Max - 1)
varData(Max - n) = Mid(s, Max - n, 1)
' ve vardata mame pole
For n = 0 To (Max - 1)
v2 = varData(Max - n)
lastChDec = Asc(Right(v2, 1))
If (lastChDec < 57) Then
lastChDec = lastChDec + 1
End If
If (lastChDec > 96 And lastChDec < 122) Then
lastChDec = lastChDec + 1
End If
If (lastChDec = 122) Then
lastChDec = 48
varData(Max - n) = Chr(lastChDec)
End If
If (lastChDec = 57) Then
lastChDec = 97
End If
varData(Max - n) = Chr(lastChDec)
s = ""
For n = 1 To Max
s = s & varData(n)
increaseStr2 = s
End Function