View Full Version : Solved: Multi User Project

06-20-2011, 03:30 AM

I have a Developed a project in access with the multi user login.

Hence i need to place my project in a shared drive so that registered users use my project simentanously.

My worry is if all users access my project and entered the data, will it affect or over lap the data???

Or is it possible to place my project in shared drive to use across multiple users.

Plz assist

06-20-2011, 10:36 PM
Access is a multi user database is properly set up. The key to multiple users in the the application must be split.

See: Splitting your Access database into application and data (http://www.hitechcoach.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=35:split-your-access-database-into-application-anddata&catid=65:split-database)

You also will need to TEST, TEST, TEST with multiple users in at the same time to be sure you have it properly design to handle concurrent users.