View Full Version : If ordinalposition starts with 0 how come my first field having the ordinal 1?

07-04-2011, 04:27 AM
If ordinalposition starts with 0 how come my first field having the ordinal position 1?

In the help file they have mentioned that ordinalposition starts with 0 (default) but my first field is returning 1. Please confirm on which the ordinal position start?

I am using a DAO here.

07-05-2011, 08:33 AM
AFAIK, the ordianl positobn does start with one (1).

When you use using a recordset and you want to use the field index the index is zero based. This means the first field is zero(0). This is similar to references the columns of a combo box's row source.

Example of the index:

myVar = rs(0) ' this is the first first in the recordset.