View Full Version : There is not enough memory to complete this operation

07-31-2011, 10:13 AM
I'm running into an unusual problem. I have an application with a multipage that contains about 10 pages and every page contains another multipage with 3-5 pages. The problem was that the app was too "heavy" and I wanted to break it into multiple forms (a form for every page).
In the initial app the form had as I said about 10 pages, with another 3-5 pages on every one of them and on every page there were about 3-20 comboboxes, 4-40 textboxes. All of them were loaded at initialization by executing a piece of code.
Now... I copied the piece of code for every page and added it in the initializations of the form that replaced it.
The code is something like this:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Integer
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim pagini As range
Set ws1 = Worksheets("Config")
Dim cControl As Control
Set cControl = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Multipage.1", "oly", True)
With cControl
.Width = 650
.Height = 380
.Top = 0
.Left = 0
End With
Me.Controls("oly").Pages.Remove (Page1)
Me.Controls("oly").Pages.Remove (Page2)
For Each pagini In ws1.range("pagoly")
Me.Controls("oly").Pages.Add (pagini)
Next pagini
i = 0
Do While i < 5
Set cControl = Me!oly.Pages(i).Add("Forms.Frame.1", "iooly" & i, True)
With cControl
.Caption = "IO"
.Width = 210
.Height = 340
.Top = 2
.Left = 5
End With
Set cControl = Me!oly.Pages(i).Add("Forms.Frame.1", "niooly" & i, True)
With cControl
.Caption = "nIO"
.Width = 210
.Height = 340
.Top = 2
.Left = 220
End With
Set cControl = Me!oly.Pages(i).Add("Forms.Frame.1", "descriere" & i, True)
With cControl
.Caption = "Descriere"
.Width = 210
.Height = 340
.Top = 2
.Left = 435
End With
End Sub

So far it just adds the frames on every of the 5 pages of this form. The problem is that I get the "There is insufficient memory available to complete this operation" when I want to run it and I really don't know why. Yet on the previous version which loaded 50 times more stuff there was no problem. Do you have any idea where's the problem because I really don't understand it.
dl.dropbox.com/u/3164889/Raport_FIN%20%281%29.xls Here is the file that loads tons of stuff and works fine
And dl.dropbox.com/u/3164889/Urmarire_productie.xls here is the file that loads pretty much nothing and gives me this error. (Alt+F11 to start the form on this one because I didn't add the macro so far)

07-31-2011, 10:15 AM
I found the problem... I forgot to increment the i. Damn how stupid I am..

07-31-2011, 01:59 PM
Been there, Done that

Mark it closed using Thread Tools at the top
