View Full Version : Solved: If Or Statements with VLookup

09-08-2011, 09:39 AM
Is there any reason that after my second if(or(Vlookup, it doesnt find the right value?

IF('Input Page'!$G$37<=49,(VLOOKUP(B15,'Rebate Matrix'!$B$4:$K$21,3,FALSE)),IF(OR('Input Page'!$G$37>=50,'Input Page'!$G$37<=99),(VLOOKUP(B15,'Rebate Matrix'!$B$4:$K$21,4,FALSE)),IF(OR('Input Page'!$G$37>=100,'Input Page'!$G$37<=249),(VLOOKUP(B15,'Rebate Matrix'!$B$4:$K$21,5,FALSE)),

I have 8 if(or(lookups) in total. but it wont find the values if i go higher than 99.

do i need to do the ones with the Or statement first, then the first one last since it is only looking for a less than number?

Bob Phillips
09-08-2011, 10:00 AM
OR should be AND, but you could just use

IF('Input Page'!$G$37<=99,

09-08-2011, 10:31 AM
Thank You, the AND fixed it. i thought because i was looking for a greater than and a less than it should be an OR statement.