View Full Version : Advanced find macro

09-16-2011, 12:36 PM
I am looking for the code that will open up an Advanced find for the currently selected folder in Outlook 2010 with the Search Subfolders box checked. I would like to create a macro button on the ribbon to replace the default Advanced find that has no way of selecting the Search subfolders as the default.
I have some experience in Excel macros and programming, but not much with Outlook. A search through Google has not yielded any macros that I can work with. Your help is appreciated.

09-25-2011, 10:54 PM

I have also attempted to find this Holy Grail myself. Off the top of most of our heads, we'd imagine a few lines of code would be all that was necessary to place the check in the subfolders checkbox. However, none of us has found those few lines of code yet. At least they haven't shared them online, if they've found the Grail!

In the meantime, I used a different search engine (Yippy!) to find VB.Net code that suggests it can be done, but not by just a few lines of code: http://www.add-in-express.com/creating-addins-blog/2009/02/27/outlook-search-items-programmatically/

I think this code suggests there may not be a simple fix for this issue. However, maybe you can crack this nut from the structure of the VB.Net code above. If so, please share!

09-26-2011, 07:48 AM
The use of other search engines or programs is not allowed in the environment :banghead: . Hence the search for the Macro. I will look at the link, it might help me out.

I know some of the code, but not enough to do what I want.