View Full Version : Form Will Not Stay Maximized

09-23-2011, 05:00 PM
I am trying to keep my forms maximized, but sometimes, the form will end up non-maximized; this is to say that the form, while not minimized, refuses to get maximized, unless I go into design view, then back out to form view again. I double click on the title bar, but I'd prefer not to ever have to do that....
I am using

Private Sub Form_Open (Cancel as Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub

Please help! What else do I need?

09-24-2011, 12:45 PM
Try using the form's On Activate event.

Private Sub Form_Activate()
End Sub

03-20-2012, 01:21 PM
This is a new posting, for a new problem, but I cannot seem to locate any button for a new post,...SO....

Here is my situation:
I wish to filter the records on a subform (continuous) according to numeric value in a combo box on the parent form. I do not want the properties linked permanently, as the parent form is set to Data Entry.

When the null combo box (on the parent data entry form) is given a value (by selecting a line item), there is an AfterUpdate event (as well as a new record) and that AfterUpdate occurs, I would like the subform's coninuous recordset to THEN...and only then...to become filtered.

The parent form is data entry for a new lesson. The lesson name is a textbox, and the category of the lesson is the combo box. Now, the subform begins with displaying the entire list of lessons (non-filtered, and non-linked to parent form).

Upon selecting the category (during the data entry process), I would like the subform to be filtered according to the new record's category on the parent form; the master list of lessons is on the subform (to help avoid repeating an existing lesson).

For example, when the data entry form (parent form) opens, it awaits new data, but the subform lists all the lessons (no link to parent form). Upon entering a new lesson name and category, the subform's "master list" becomes filtered after the new category is selected in the parent form's combo box. The filtering will use the subform's category field.

In other words, the subform has a listing of all the lessons, each, with its category. Upon selecting the category (parent form's combo box) for the new record, the subform uses that value (a number) to filter against the subform's matching category list.

No clue how to do this....

Private Sub ParentFormCategoryComboBox_AfterUpdate()
If Me.ParentFormCategoryComboBox IsNull
Then Do Not Filter Me.Subform
Else Me.Subform.[categoryID] =Me.ParentFormCategoryComboBox
End Sub

Obviously, When the parnet data entry form opens, there will be no filtering....