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View Full Version : Redundancy search and paste

09-29-2011, 03:33 PM
I am always doing cut and paste operations in Excel. It always comes from a website and then I run a search to find entries based on the word False. After this I have to delete any row with False inside of it. I was curious if anyone could help me out with this being automated. I have read through the book Excel VBA programming for Dummies and well still feel somewhat dumb as I have had no luck in the progress of figuring out this code. I have found ways to run dialogue boxes but that is just annoying and would like it to run and do its job without any input from me as the data will always be the same. I have set the range to D:D as that is where the text should be found and then I try to get it to search for the word False but at last I always get some error that I don't understand. Can anywone point me in the right direction? Thanks Salta

09-30-2011, 06:09 AM
hi and wellcome to vbax.

you should search for:
"excel vba delete rows if cells contain"
"excel vba delete rows based on cell content"

here is what i get after doing this...

Sub x()

Dim i As Long

With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
For i = .Row + .Rows.Count - 1 To .Row Step -1
If Cells(i, "A").Text Like "*FALSE*" Then Rows(i).Delete
Next i
End With

End Sub