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View Full Version : filter upon color

10-26-2011, 06:39 AM

I would like to be able to filter rows upon a colour in one of 3 cells


Cell K1 can be red L1 can be orange or M1 can be green

I would like to show all rows where cell K is red (and disable the others)
show all rows where cell M is green

can somebody tell me how this is done?


10-26-2011, 07:37 AM
Excel 2007 has a Filter on Color option


10-26-2011, 02:08 PM
I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated:

In the example I send with this message you see cells K12 and K13 to be red
When I perform a filtering on "colour red" I want to see of course Rows12 and 13 (with the red rectangle) but also the title above these items (the rows with 1.1 and 1)

the item 1.2 has 2 red rectangles so everyting must be displayed

the item 1.3 has no recatngel so everything should disapear

any idea how this can be done?

Thank you all