View Full Version : DocVariable - Help

11-19-2011, 11:02 AM
word 2010

In VBA I have set up the following variable:

Dim vTest As String
vTest = "testing"
ActiveDocument.Variables.Add Name:="test1", Value:=vTest

using the "Quick Parts" I have added a docVariable field called "test1" but nothing returns. when I hit alt+F9 the following is returned: {DOCVARIABLE test1 \*MERGEFORMAT}

Can someone help with what I am doing wrong and why this isn't returning my "testing" string? Thank you for your time.

11-19-2011, 05:40 PM
F9 will update the DOCVARIABLE field

Alt-F9 just toggles between the value and the { definition }

Ctlt-Shift-F9 will unlink it

And there's the ever popular F9 to insert the { ... } field markers
