View Full Version : Solved: Yes/No field

11-30-2011, 12:12 PM
In access, I have a field named "Watching" and for this field i went added a yes/no check box for each account so I can check accounts that I am watching closely. Is there a query I can have to select only the accounts that are checked in the yes/no checkbox?

SELECT Accounts.[Account Number], Accounts.[Axys 8 Digit], [Account Name], [Secondary Description], [Investments], [Quality], [Taxable], [Composite], [Primary Description]
FROM Accounts
WHERE [composite]='municomp';

I know the query can look something like the above but when using a yes/no checkbox for the WHERE part..
WHERE[Watching]='???' I am not sure how to refer to accounts that are checked yes.


11-30-2011, 12:46 PM
SELECT Accounts.[Account Number], Accounts.[Axys 8 Digit], [Account Name], [Secondary Description], [Investments], [Quality], [Taxable], [Composite], [Primary Description]
FROM Accounts
WHERE [watching]=yes;

Nevermind i figured it out!