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View Full Version : Excel Java and HTML :x

12-05-2011, 03:20 AM
Hi all,

I need allot of help with something that has had me stumped for a few days now.
I will explain as best I can, I am a bit lost thought as I have never had to deal with java before, so might get some things wrong.

What I am trying to do it is make it that when someone presses a button on the excel sheet, it will check all the web pages running, find the right one (By Url), and get infomation off that page that it then places into the excel sheet.

This I have done and has worked fine, my problem is that they have now changed things and the web page is "housed" within a java application, and this is where I am lost.

What I need help with is how to I pick up the web page within.

I would really apprecaite help on this one.


12-06-2011, 02:44 AM
This forum was designed to assist with VBA. You might find some assistance here but... it may be more helpful to you to post your issue to a java group