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12-08-2011, 06:24 PM
hey i am trying to make a random number generator that will not choose the numbers the user has already choosen.

so the code is like

Sub game()
Dim user1 As Integer
Dim computer1 As Integer
user1 = InputBox("Pick number 1-9")
computer1 = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * rnd() + 1)
Loop Until computer1 <> user1
MsgBox ("Computer picks " & computer1 & " you pick " & user1)
End Sub

but it still picks the number the user has picked ..........WHY????

12-08-2011, 10:44 PM
but it still picks the number the user has picked ..........WHY????hey, it doesn't. You've coded correctly.

12-09-2011, 03:47 AM
The reason why you got the same answer might be beacuse,the rnd() function generates new random number every time when executing the step. So there is possibility for you to get the same value of the user. Try assign the value of the rnd() to a variable and pass it in the expression. I think that might solve the above problem.
dblrnd = rnd()
computer1 = int((9-1+1)*dblrnd+1)
Loop until computer1 <> user1

hey i am trying to make a random number generator that will not choose the numbers the user has already choosen.

so the code is like

Sub game()
Dim user1 As Integer
Dim computer1 As Integer
user1 = InputBox("Pick number 1-9")
computer1 = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * rnd() + 1)
Loop Until computer1 <> user1
MsgBox ("Computer picks " & computer1 & " you pick " & user1)
End Sub

but it still picks the number the user has picked ..........WHY????

12-09-2011, 08:49 AM
hey thanks for the info.... however, i tried that and it will still pick the same number the user picks. i dont get why tho because it should loop until they are not equal. so it seems like it is thinking they are not equal when they really are. when i highlighted the computer1 variable in VBA it shows ( say for example) 3 but when i highligh the user1 variable it shows a "3". maybe the computer thinks there are quotes around the user1 input and therefore "3" will never be equal to 3. is my logic right? and if so how do i fix this.


12-09-2011, 09:58 AM
hey thanks for the info.... however, i tried that and it will still pick the same number the user picks. i dont get why tho because it should loop until they are not equal. so it seems like it is thinking they are not equal when they really are. when i highlighted the computer1 variable in VBA it shows ( say for example) 3 but when i highligh the user1 variable it shows a "3". maybe the computer thinks there are quotes around the user1 input and therefore "3" will never be equal to 3. is my logic right? and if so how do i fix this.

thaknshey, if the user1 variable is showing as "3" (in quotes) it's a string, so the Dim user1 as integer can't be being effective. Are you sure the code is as you've shown? Put Option Explicit at the very top of the module (not the procedure), and try running again. If you get a variable not defined error, your spelling of variables is not right somewhere.

Dim list like:
Dim user1, aser2, sommat as integer
only sommat is an integer, the rest are variants, and would be a string if assigned with inputbox.]

Edit: having just tried this, the code still works correctly even if user1 is "3" and computer1 is 3, the code thinks they are equal anyway.

12-09-2011, 10:09 AM
Hey thanks for the quick respose.... i checked the spelling everywhere and it is correct,

i put a if statement in to see if it would even recognize when user1 and computer1 are equal and even when they are equal it seems to think they are not

here is the code

Sub game()
Dim user1, computer1 as Integer
Dim results As String

user1 = InputBox("Pick number 1-9")
computer1 = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * rnd + 1)

If computer1 = user1 Then
results = "same"
results = "different"
End If

MsgBox ("Computer picks " & computer1 & " you pick " & user1 & " " & results)
End Sub

even when the numbers are the same it still says results = different.



you are correct sir.. that is what is was, the other variables were defined as variants. it works now

thanks man

12-09-2011, 10:20 AM
as mentioned in my last post, try changing
Dim user1, computer1 as Integer
Dim user1 as Integer, computer1 as Integer
and see if things improve.

What version of Excel, what operating sytem, and are you on a Mac?

just seen your last edit - well done.

12-09-2011, 10:23 AM
What looks to be the quick method of declaring integers can actually blow in your face.
Dim r, r1, r2, r3 as Range
actually results in r, r1, r2 being variants.
The correct method is:
Dim r as Range, r1 as Range, r2 as Range, r3 as Range

12-10-2011, 10:55 AM
A loop isn't needed
Sub test()
Dim maxAllowed As Long, i As Long
Dim userNumber As Long
Dim randomNumber As Long

maxAllowed = 9

userNumber = Application.InputBox("Enter a number between 1 and " & maxAllowed, Type:=1)
If userNumber = 0 Then Exit Sub: Rem canceled

randomNumber = ((userNumber + Int(Rnd() * (maxAllowed - 1))) Mod maxAllowed) + 1

MsgBox "You chose " & userNumber & vbCr & "Computer chose " & randomNumber
End Sub