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View Full Version : call web service via https

12-09-2011, 12:20 PM
Hi all,

I have been struggling for days to call a simple hello() web service via https in vba. Here is the server configuration

Web server type: tomcat
Service: Axis2
Openssl enabled
keystore type: PKCS12
password enabled I have confirmed that a java client can talk to hello() service via https.
Here is the http code works fine

Dim clnt As New SoapClient30
Dim strsvc As String
Dim strwsdl As String

clnt.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True
clnt.MSSoapInit "link to wsdl file" ' forum doesn't allow me to post link here
clnt.ConnectorProperty("Timeout") = "9000000"

strsvc = clnt.hello()

MsgBox (strsvc) Here is HTTPS. I think it's not completed..

Dim swApp As Object
Sub main()
Dim clnt As New SoapClient30
Dim strsvc As String
Dim strwsdl As String

strwsdl = "c:\Bank.wsdl"
clnt.MSSoapInit (strwsdl)
clnt.ConnectorProperty("SSLClientCertificateName") = "c:\cert.p12"
clnt.ConnectorProperty("AuthPassword") = "testing"
clnt.ConnectorProperty("Timeout") = "9000000"

strsvc = clnt.hello()

MsgBox (strsvc)
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
End Sub Error
Conector:Connection time out. HRESULT=0x800A1527 - Client:an unanticipated error occured during the processing of this request. HRESULT=0x800A1527 - client:sending the soap message failed or no recongizable response was received HRESULT=0x8001527 - Client:Unspecified client error. HRESULT=0x800A1527 thank you all for your advice