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View Full Version : Imposing Fine

12-23-2011, 12:30 PM
I have a sheet in which i have to note what is the person has to pay daily. But if some day his cash flow becomes negative then he has to pay a fine in decending order on the previous days also. kindly guide how to write the vba.:doh:

12-24-2011, 04:36 AM
There doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason for the application of a "fine" in your data. You will need to explain in greater detail what amount is applied and when it is to be applied?

12-24-2011, 08:34 PM
Dear, the file is resubmited. There is a range with 'cashflows' the moment cash flows get negative, asset allocation has to be tapered down prior to the cell in cash flow become negative in column adjecent to cash flows. Now the problem is if the cash flow is negative in the second row it clears the headings also. kindly suggest.

12-25-2011, 05:25 AM
Add a line of code to rewrite the header.