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View Full Version : Change Event Handling for a cell and for a combo box in Excel 2010

01-03-2012, 04:36 AM
I am very new to VBA Coding in Excel. I try to create a Timesheet form in Excel which is available in the link provided at the end. I found the coding is very extensive and I got 'Run Time Error 1004' when the RESET button is clicked with values in 'Week Ending' cell and AGroup1 combo box. When I tried to debug, the error is happening at the following line in ' Private Sub Reset_Click()'

'Range("B7,B8,D12:K61").Value = "" '

Could anyone help me to resolve the issue? Like that, is there any simple way to find the changes in form objects instead of writing code for each and every form object in the form?

File Factory Link: "filefactory.com/file/c1cf992/n/Timesheet_yyyy-mm-dd_v1.xlsm"

Bob Phillips
01-03-2012, 04:49 AM
Nothing attached.

01-03-2012, 05:02 AM
I am not able to attach a file in this thread. So I put it in the File Factory and the link ( filefactory.com/file/c1cf992/n/Timesheet_yyyy-mm-dd_v1.xlsm) is provided. Thanks for your immediate attention. Please add http and www befor that since if it is a hyper link that is not accepted to post.