View Full Version : Fields to Wildcards (text) (VBA, word, macro)

01-12-2012, 03:00 PM
Hello world

I'm having some problems creating a macro in VBA for Word (2010).

So far I made it (with the search function of these forums) to loop through all sections and find fields and to delete them and insead insert own TEXT pattern.
At the moment my code looks like this:

Option Explicit

Public Sub FieldsToWildcards()

Dim aField As field
Dim pRange As Word.Range
Dim pattern As String

For Each pRange In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges

For Each aField In pRange.Fields
Set pRange = aField.Code
pRange.Collapse (wdCollapseStart)
pRange.Text = "${A[;B]}"


End Sub

I now need some line of code, which will transform this:

{ IF «sex» = "f" "She" "He" }, (which is btw. a field) INTO this ${She;He} (text)

AND this:

{ MERGEFIELD Name } (field) INTO this ${Name} (text)

I would appreciate any help. :)

Thank you,
Kind regards

01-13-2012, 02:53 AM
Hi Julian,

and, to reverse the process:
As coded, the first macro simply puts the output into the Windows Clipboard. If you want to overwrite the selection automatically, replace the last three code lines with:
Selection.Text = NewString

01-13-2012, 05:46 AM
Thank you. I will have a look and post back.

01-13-2012, 10:51 AM
So I've managed it to do it this way and it does the job i need. :)

Option Explicit

Public Sub FieldsToWildcards()
' FieldsToWildcards Macro
' Convertes Fields to Wildcards (strings)

Dim pRange As Word.Range
Dim aField As field
Dim currFieldCode As String
Dim wildcard As String

Dim mfIfParamsCount1 As Integer
mfIfParamsCount1 = 6
Dim mfIfParamsCount2 As Integer
mfIfParamsCount2 = 7

Dim mfIfParams1 As Variant
Dim param1Pos As Integer
param1Pos = 4

Dim mfIfParams2 As Variant
Dim param2Pos As Integer
param2Pos = 1
Dim param3Pos As Integer
param3Pos = 3
Dim param4Pos As Integer
param4Pos = 5

Dim mfTypePos As Integer
mfTypePos = 2
Dim mfVarStart As Integer
mfVarStart = 13

Dim dqASCIICode As Integer
dqASCIICode = 34

'Loop through all ranges (also header and footer)
For Each pRange In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges

'Loop through all fields in current range
For Each aField In pRange.Fields
Set pRange = aField.Code
currFieldCode = aField.Code
wildcard = "${"

If InStr(1, currFieldCode, "IF") = mfTypePos Then
'Get parameters for wildcard (second part)
mfIfParams2 = Split(currFieldCode, Chr(dqASCIICode), mfIfParamsCount2)

'Get parameter(s) for wildcard (first part)
mfIfParams1 = Split(mfIfParams2(0), " ", mfIfParamsCount1)

'Add first parameter to wildcard
wildcard = wildcard & Trim(mfIfParams1(param1Pos)) & ";"
'Add second parameter to wildcard
wildcard = wildcard & Trim(mfIfParams2(param2Pos)) & ";"
'Add third parameter to wildcard
wildcard = wildcard & Trim(mfIfParams2(param3Pos)) & ";"
'Add fourth parameter to wildcard
wildcard = wildcard & Trim(mfIfParams2(param4Pos)) & "}"

'MsgBox wildcard

'Delete field

'Add wildcard insead
pRange.Collapse wdCollapseStart
pRange.Text = wildcard
If InStr(1, currFieldCode, "MERGEFIELD") = mfTypePos Then
wildcard = wildcard & Trim(Mid(currFieldCode, mfVarStart, Len(currFieldCode) - mfVarStart)) & "}"

'MsgBox wildcard

'Delete field

'Add wildcard insead
pRange.Collapse wdCollapseStart
pRange.Text = wildcard
End If
End If

End Sub

Thank you again!
Sincerely, me