View Full Version : click a link in a webpage

01-18-2012, 04:21 AM
Recently I have seen the sophisticated macro "Easily open any file, folder, or webpage by using the FollowHyperlink Method"
by malik641 (http://www.vbaexpress.com/forum/member.php?u=2828)

I have used it particularly in opening a webpage and this macro is extremely helpful,
recently I used it by writing in the macro
strWebsite = "http://in.finance.yahoo.com/portfolio/pf_2/view/v1"
this opens my portfolio page(sorry this needs signing in for yahoo.com)
once I go there I have to click a link "download". If I click that link I download a .csv file
instead of going to the webpage and clicking the "download" link It is possible for me to find the location of this link and use that in
in spite of this being very long address
But I do not want to use this long web page because if I make a change in the yahoo portfolio then I have to change this long address also

I am only thinking whether the "download" link can be clicked directly by slightly modifying malik's macro

A second problem will occur after clicking "download" link I have to click "open with"

I wonder whether it is possible to skip these two intermediate steps namely 1)clicking "download" link and
2)clicking "open with"
by modifying the macro so that directly my csv file will comes into my computer.

As I have to daily do this I wonder whether there is possibility of this automation.

My thanks to malik541 for that extremely useful macro

I thought I have explained clearly but if I have missed any point you can revert back to me