View Full Version : Copy shapes using hyperlink

01-20-2012, 07:38 AM
Hey guys... Greetings from Portugal...

I have a .PPT file with several slides. In each slide there are 4 diferent shapes, and all of those shapes have the same hyperlink that leads to the last slide (this one has no shapes, it's totally blank). What I need is a code that, when I click in a specific shape, it copys this specific shape to the last slide.

Any ideias? Thanks...

John Wilson
01-21-2012, 10:16 AM
Try adding this code to a module.

Give every shape that you want to click an action of Run macro "copyme"

Sub copyme(oshp As Shape)
With ActivePresentation.Slides
End With
End Sub

01-21-2012, 10:22 AM
Great minds think alike... =) A solve my question yesterday with your ideia... Thanks any way ;)