View Full Version : ComboBox Deleting Information

02-19-2012, 07:24 AM
Hi - I'm fairly new to using VBA in Microsoft Word and I'm having some problems. I hope I can accurately describe what I am trying to do, but bear with me

I have a worksheet that I have put many combo boxes in. All of these boxes have multiple choices in them. I have put the worksheet in restricted mode and started a trial use on it.

I started typing the letter of the choice I wanted to capture and it appeared in the combobox. I tabbed to the next box and did the same thing. After making all choices in all comboboxes, I started tabbing thru them all again. A few (not all) of them seem to delete my original choice if I tab thru them without typing something again.

So... I need to know how to fix that... and why it only does it on some boxes and not others.

Also, when I tab to a box that already has a selection in it only part of the choice in the box is highlighted. So I can't type the first letter of a different choice. Don't know if this is fixable.

When I am in a blank combobox, is there a way to see all choices of the letter I've typed drop down from the combobox?

I can't seem to mouse scroll thru a long list of choices that dropdown. I can only use the scroll arrows on the side. If I use my mouse wheel, it scrolls the entire page up or down. Is there a way around this?

And is there a way to order my comboboxes so when I tab thru them it is the order I need them to be in??

I would appreciate ANY help or advise I can get. Please be gentle with me, I'm new to this. BTW, I don't really know VBA code at all. Just stumbled across a website talking about the GotFocus code ... so that is what I'm using to input data into VBA for my ComboBoxes.

Please let me know if there is a website or something that might help me with commands and stuff.


02-20-2012, 02:05 PM
You mention "worksheet". This is Excel, not Word. This is the Word forum.

When I am in a blank combobox, is there a way to see all choices of the letter I've typed drop down from the combobox?"

Blank combobox? Why have a blank combobox? I do not understand the question. You want to see all the choices of letters you have typed...in OTHER comboboxes?? If so...no.