View Full Version : Create an Appointment from using email contents

02-28-2012, 07:46 AM
Ok - I am stumped and cannot find information anywhere on this matter - your help is greatly appreciated.

I have a web based program that autmatically generates an email with the following information...

To: John Doe

John Doe has assigned you the following new task:

Subject: Call
Guest: John Smith
Due Date: 2/28/2012
Priority: Normal
Comments: Help Me

For more details, click the following link:


I have a rule set that will run "the script" on every email from the sender and..

I need the script that will grab the Guest name from the body and copy it to the subject and copy the Due date from the body to the Start and End date of the appointment. Time can be 10:00 am.
Thank you for the help!

03-07-2012, 05:08 AM
Sub Task_from_Email()
'Using outlook 2010.
'Mailmessage we are going to handle
Dim mymessage As Outlook.MailItem
'thebody = message, thesubject = subject, thedate = datevalue, strdate = stringdate
Dim thebody As String, thesubject As String, thedate As Date, strdate As String
Dim TI As TaskItem
'put mailmessage into mymessage. we use the active mailmessage in this example
Set mymessage = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
'put body of message in thebody
thebody = mymessage.Body
'extract the parts we want
thesubject = Mid(thebody, InStr(1, thebody, "Subject: ") + 9, _
InStr(InStr(1, thebody, "Subject: "), thebody, vbCrLf) - _
InStr(1, thebody, "Subject: ") - 9)
thesubject = thesubject & " " & _
Mid(thebody, InStr(1, thebody, "Guest: ") + 7, _
InStr(InStr(1, thebody, "Guest: "), thebody, vbCrLf) - _
InStr(1, thebody, "Guest: ") - 7)
strdate = Mid(thebody, InStr(1, thebody, "Due Date: ") + 10, _
InStr(InStr(1, thebody, "Due Date: "), thebody, vbCrLf) - _
InStr(1, thebody, "Due Date: ") - 10)
'little display, can be omitted
MsgBox "Action required : " & vbCrLf & thesubject & vbCrLf & "Due date : " & strdate
'the date format used is m/d/yyyy I presume
'dateserial needs the year first, then the month and ends with day
thedate = DateSerial(Split(strdate, "/")(2), _
Split(strdate, "/")(0), _
Split(strdate, "/")(1))
'create task
Set TI = Application.CreateItem(olTaskItem)
With TI
.Subject = thesubject
.Body = mymessage.Body
.StartDate = thedate
.DueDate = thedate
'the space before the hour is needed. Don't ask me why.
.ReminderTime = .DueDate & " 10:00"
.ReminderSet = True
End With
End Sub