View Full Version : Number of records incorrectly reported

03-01-2012, 01:32 PM

I have a word document. I use it as template for MailMerge. When I select a new list of recipients, the number of the records reported in the "Preview Results" tab for the new list is not correctly reported; the number reported correspond to the number of records from another list I have opened earlier. What could be the problem ?

03-01-2012, 04:10 PM
Did you refresh the preview stats by clicking the 'last record' button?

03-02-2012, 06:11 AM
Yes. The dbase is in excel. Has 6 records. The number reported is 67, equsal to number of a previously db open in mailmerge with the same templates.


03-02-2012, 05:51 PM
I don't understand what you mean by "a previously db open in mailmerge with the same templates". Mailmerges are usually done with a mailmerge main document, rather than a Word template and, in any event, a given mailmerge main document (or template) can have only one datasource.

03-05-2012, 06:18 AM
I open same templates for different databases in excel. For example one day same e-mail is sent to addresses in file1.xls, after a couple a of days, same e-mail is sent to addresses in file2.xls. The number reported second time is number of the records in file1.xls, and not the number of records in file2.xls. That is the problem. :-)

03-05-2012, 02:24 PM
As I said before, a mailmerge main document can only work with one data source. Unless your two Excel files have the same name, your mailmerge main document will only ever look at one of them.