View Full Version : Sum Up Multiple Workbook

03-12-2012, 08:25 PM
Hello everyone,

I was doing a lot of work summing up 5 workbook. I know the time will be lessen if I will use macro. I have 5 workbooks with same formats and each contains two worksheet. Each workbook is updated weekly so what I need to do is to get the Sum of the data from all workbook in an specific column from the two worksheet and get the total in a new workbook which has the same format as well as the 5 workbook. Is there any macro to do that? To produce a summary on 5 workbook into one?


03-12-2012, 08:45 PM
Try posting to the Excel forum. This is the Word forum.

03-12-2012, 09:23 PM
Aw yes im sorry didnt noticed that. Thank you for the correction.
Please close this thread.