View Full Version : The Multi-Value fields

04-07-2012, 02:16 AM
The Multi-Value fields can store multiple values in one field.If I have a sample here. Below there are products with quantity. Product (Tea, Coffee, Cold drink). Quantity (2,4,6).
I created a table and choosed multi products in 1 field but how can I make the quantity as multi (2,4,6)??

Please help. :banghead: :banghead:

04-07-2012, 04:27 AM
If this forum is only for excel and no any responde to access then why they created seprated division for access???!!!

04-08-2012, 06:29 AM
You've only waited a couple of hours.:)

If you've set up the multi-valued field correctly you should get a listbox where you can select the values you want.

04-08-2012, 10:17 PM
Norie, I had posts regarding access which is more than 1 month without responde.
I think you didnt get my point, I setup multifield correctly (Tea, Coffee, Cold drink) and I choosed Tea,Cold drinks then next field is quantity.
How I can enter quantity per each item in previous field, such like tea=5 , cold drinks=2.
Hope it is clear now.

04-09-2012, 04:43 AM
With one multi-valued field for Product and another for Quantity, there is no built-in Access method to enforce an association between selected Product and Quantity items.

Perhaps you could use a form with custom VBA code to manage those associations as you wish. However I suspect that code would be complex, brittle and easy to get wrong. And changes made to the table directly (not using the form) would ignore the rules enforced by the form.

That is not an approach I would recommend. Instead I would abandon the multi-value fields and use a junction table to store the associations between Product and Quantity as separate rows.