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View Full Version : Foreign language

05-17-2012, 01:13 AM

I work with forms and controls.
I try to display values in Foreign Language via VBA.
Since I don't know what the Language for Non- Unicode programs setting in the control panel will be - I don't want to put the values literally in the VBA code.
Therefore, I put the values in the Excel Sheet Cells (e.g. Worksheets(SheetInd).Cells(1,1))

The question is - why if I do this:
TBoxName.Text = Worksheets(SheetInd).Cells(1, 1)
it works fine and I can see the foreign language value in the text box

when I do this:
Me.Controls(CBName).AddItem (Worksheets(SheetInd).Cells(1, 1))[/VBA]
it also works fine and I can see the foreign language value in the combo box drop down list

BUT when I do this:

Response = MsgBox(Worksheets(SheetInd).Cells(1, 1))
I see ??? instead of the value itself


Bob Phillips
05-17-2012, 02:45 AM
Presumably MsgBox doesn't support Unicode?