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View Full Version : VBA AND XML

05-22-2012, 02:48 AM
Hi guys,

I have a question about VBA and XML.

All I’m trying to do (very simple) is to extract the weather from a XML page. I have tried doing this with stock quotes from yahoo using yql and it works really well and is very easy to get what i need.

So all I want to do is to access the 15.1 in the below XML code (<b>Temperature:</b> 15.1°) but i don’t know how to do this because of <![CDATA[ is in the way and how I am doing this currently is trimming the contents within the XML description tag but obviously this is a really bad idea when the spacing changes in the website.

Does anyone know how I can access the weather of 15.1 degress within <![CDATA[ ?????

Note: for the URLS (http) was removed.


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Sub testw()
Dim xml As Object
Dim response As String
Dim URL As String
Dim bb As String

URL = "rss.weatherzone.com.au/?u=12994-1285&lt=aploc&lc=5594&obs=1&fc=1&warn=1"

Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.5.0")

With xml
.Open "GET", URL, False
End With

‘response = xml.responseXML.xml
‘MsgBox response

On Error Resume Next
URL = Left(xml.responseXML.SelectNodes("//description").Item(1).Text, 33)
bb = Right(URL, 5)
msgbox "Melb. " & bb & "°C"
end sub
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<b>Temperature:</b> 15.1°C[/COLOR]
<img align="top" src="weatherzone.com.au/images/widgets/nav_trend_down.gif" alt="falling"/>
<br />
<b>Feels like:</b> 15.1°C<br />
<b>Dew point:</b> 2.8°C
<img align="top" src="weatherzone.com.au/images/widgets/nav_trend_up.gif" alt="rising"/>
<br />
<b>Relative humidity:</b> 44%<br />
<b>Wind:</b> NW at 28 km/h, gusting to 37 km/h
<img align="top" src="weatherzone.com.au/images/widgets/nav_trend_down.gif" alt="falling"/>
<br />
<b>Rain:</b> 0.0mm since 9am<br />
<b>Pressure:</b> 1020.3 hPa
<img align="top" src="weatherzone.com.au/images/widgets/nav_trend_steady.gif" alt="steady"/>
<br />

05-28-2012, 10:36 PM
It's not quite as simple as it appeared, but a fun challenge. I found it better to pass the HttpRequest to a DOM to work through the XML with a recursive function (which as I've said to others before hurt my brain :banghead: ).

The following will find the data after the first insance of "Temperature:" and write the info you want to a msgbox but you can alter as you like.

Don't forget to create a Reference to Microsoft XML, v6.0 in your VBE.

Sub test()
Dim xDOC As DOMDocument
Dim XMLHttpRequest As XMLHTTP
Dim response As String
Dim URL As String
Dim sTemperature As String

URL = "http://rss.weatherzone.com.au/?u=12994-1285&lt=aploc&lc=5594&obs=1&fc=1&warn=1"

Set XMLHttpRequest = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP
With XMLHttpRequest
.Open "GET", URL, False
End With

Set xDOC = New DOMDocument

Do Until xDOC.readyState = 4
xDOC.loadXML (XMLHttpRequest.responseText)

sTemperature = DisplayNode(xDOC.childNodes)

On Error Resume Next

MsgBox "Melb. " & sTemperature & " °C"
End Sub

Public Function DisplayNode(ByRef Nodes As IXMLDOMNodeList)

Dim xNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim Start As String
Dim Finish As String
Dim Output As String

For Each xNode In Nodes
If xNode.NodeType = NODE_CDATA_SECTION And _
InStr(xNode.NodeValue, "Temperature:") <> 0 Then
Start = InStr(xNode.NodeValue, "Temperature:") + 17
Finish = InStr(xNode.NodeValue, Chr(35)) - 1
DisplayNode = Mid(xNode.NodeValue, Start, Finish - Start)
End If
If DisplayNode <> "" Then Exit Function
If xNode.HasChildNodes Then
Output = DisplayNode(xNode.childNodes)
If Output <> "" Then DisplayNode = Output
End If
Next xNode
End Function