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View Full Version : Editable excel data and chart within PPT slide show mode

05-22-2012, 04:11 PM

I'm trying to create a way to edit excel data and present resulting chart all within powerpoint slide show mode. So far, I've been able to insert MS Office spreadsheet 11.0 object. However, all this lets me do is edit numbers. I can't display charts.

I was thinking of adding MS Office Chart object and somehow linking the two objects together with VBA code. I have no idea how to actually do that though.

Can anyone suggest a solution?

Thank you.

05-31-2012, 10:02 AM
If you find any difficulty in VBA code you record a macro after recoding you go VBA code and see the coding. this is best option when you don't know coding of any problem.

06-01-2012, 08:23 AM
If I understand your post correctly, you would want to embed a chart in powerpoint and have it update automatically if the backend excel data changes.

You can try creating the chart in Excel, copy/paste into powerpoint, then set the link to automatically update. This assumes the reference to the excel data will never change.

I'm not a huge fan of this as with Office 2007/2010 there are a lot more security issues with links. But it will get you started.