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View Full Version : Question about Slicers

05-24-2012, 12:17 PM
Hi everyone,

Haven't been able to find any documentation about this, so I figured why not come to the experts.

I have two slicers, one with a listing of companies, and another splicers listing the brands within those companies. Excel appears to have the functionality to "gray out and move to the bottom" all non-matching options in the brand slicer, when a company is selected. My question though, is whether or not there is a way to temporarily remove all unavailable options from the brand slicer when a company selection is made?

In otherwords, if Company 'A' is selected, only brands associated with company 'A' would be available for selection in the brand slicer.

Thanks in advance, and if you know factually that this is NOT possible, please post that too!

05-24-2012, 03:08 PM
if you post a sample workbook we could help you a lot easier