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View Full Version : Help with Excel & Office Web Component!!

05-31-2012, 08:22 AM
Hi, I am having two issues in a Userform which requires the Office Web Component, specifically Spreasheet.control. Please be patient as I try to explain these issues as best as I can.

Issue 1:
I have a created a excel file which in it has a spreadsheet control from the OWC package. Running a Office 2010, I installed the OWC11 & SP1.
After I created the file and everything was running in my pc I saved the file and left home. The next day, I came back and the file was currupted. After not making it work, I opened the file copied the spreadsheet into a blank workbook and copied the userform module and the module. Finally discovering that if I ran the code and after finished closed without saving. When I opened the workbook it would work perfectly. So I can't save the workbook, thats a big problem.

Issue 2:
My intention was to provide this to other people at work, so I installed the same OWC11 just like in my pc. If I copied the file from my pc to another pc, the file won't work. I have to open the file from the usb, save the file as in the pc im trying to put the file in. After that open the userform and delete the spreadsheet control and draw in it again in the userform. Then it begins to run like my pc. With the persistance of issue 1.

I have to find a solution so that I can proceed with my work or if I have to stop using this spreadsheet control. I wouldn't like to abandon the spreadsheet control because it was exactly what I was looking for. Could anybody with more experience please help me.

My idea was to leave this accessible through dropbox or some sort of sharing network for multiple access of the file at the same time, but first I have to solve these issues first.

Thank you for your time! I will appreciate any help that I can get.

Jan Karel Pieterse
06-01-2012, 01:57 AM
Can you try to explain why you are using the spreadsheet control?

06-01-2012, 05:24 AM
Can you try to explain why you are using the spreadsheet control?

The reason why I want to use the Spreadsheet control inside a Userform is simply to restrict the users access and at the same time display the information in a organised way. Basically one of the functions of this workbook im trying to create is for sales people to search for a client in a drop down menue and then all the clients information is displayed using textboxes and the sales history to that cliente is displayed on the spreadsheet control. Since this varies, from client to client the use of the spreadsheet allows me to simply copy the info from the database worksheet and paste it in the spreadsheet control.
The displaying that info in many textboxes would simply be extremely cluttered and impracticle.

Jan Karel Pieterse
06-01-2012, 05:52 AM
So you could also paste the info into a temporary worksheet, couldn't you?

06-01-2012, 06:25 AM
Yes I could but then I wouldn't use userforms, and the information would be cluttered. With userforms I can neatly display the client info and use the spreadsheet control to display the cluttered and extra sales history info in a organised manner. Not to mention that I have done all the work and programming already to that format, and it works on my pc... why is it that the simple action of copying the file and then placing it in a new machine requires me to redraw the spreadsheet control? And why is it that after running the macro if I save the file becomes currupted?
Do you know whats is the issue with this OWC11?

Jan Karel Pieterse
06-02-2012, 07:34 AM
Controls which are outside of the Office box are reknown for causing havoc on other people's computers and you are unfortunately experiencing this right now.
If you want your solution to stay out of trouble, stick to the controls which are built-in into Office.