View Full Version : Numbers don't merge right in Word 2010

06-04-2012, 11:19 AM
I have my mail merge data coming from an excel speadsheet. When I merge the data, my number values do not come across formatted correctly. In Excel, they have the format structure "$111,111.00" but in Word the same number comes across as 111111.

I have tried DDE but still brings the numbers over unformatted.

Please assist.

06-04-2012, 03:57 PM
I would reformat your excel sheet, if possible. That's the easiest way to do it. Insert a new column, make sure the columns numberformat property is "Text", and then use a function to hard code the dollar signs. A function like =DOLLAR(A1) and then autofill it down would probably do it.

06-04-2012, 03:58 PM
Alternatively, if you can't change the source... there are field codes that can reformat the mail merge result, but I think it's easier to change your source data than to deal with nested fields in a mail merge. I'm not that familiar with them, but maybe someone else is.

06-04-2012, 06:43 PM
This might work. In the merge document, add the \# number format switch

MERGEFIELD Title \# $#,##0.00

I didn't have any realistic data to really test it, but it worked in a mailing list I had laying around

06-05-2012, 05:07 AM
Cross-posted (and answered) at: http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1684885
For cross-posting etiquette, please read: http://www.excelguru.ca/content.php?184

06-05-2012, 09:30 AM
Gah... the 1 post cross-poster strikes again.

Thanks, Paul.

That would be a great addition to the board. Any new users, when posting their first post, get a screen giving a quick run-down on cross-posting etiquette.

06-05-2012, 11:51 AM
Also cross-posted at: http://www.msofficeforums.com/mail-merge/13165-numbers-dont-merge-right-word-2010-a.html