View Full Version : Solved: Adding Line Numbers Starting at a Bookmark

07-27-2012, 10:23 AM

Is it possible in a WORD document, for me to have line numbers added, but starting at a particular point in the document?

For example:

I have a document that at the very top contains a table [Line 1]
Then there are four lines that contain various populated information based on userform input

I have a bookmark set up on Line 5 of the document (this line *should* always be Line 5 regardless of what the users input is for the previous 4 lines).

I need to figure out a way (macro?) to be able to have the document line numbers written into the margin of the document (like the WORD tool already does) with numbering beginning with '1' (on Line 5) and being continuous throughout the remainder of the document.

Any suggestions?


07-27-2012, 10:33 AM
Okay I think I have this solved. I've inserted a section break at the point I want the #'ing to start. I'll run it a few times and will mark solved if it does what I need.
