View Full Version : Form Display stops at FormName.Show - Why

08-01-2012, 03:32 PM
Hi Everybody

I have an Excel based application that at some stage displays a form for the user to make a selection.

Until now it used to work perfectly. In the recent past, for some it seems to stop at the statement where its says "FormName.Show".

If I were to press F5 here it would again start to work - no problems! Any ideas/suggestions about what may be triggering this action? Further, it has also started to display the message box where is says that the code has been interrupted with options to "Continue", "End", "Debug" and "Cancel". Again, If I were to press "Contine" here, it would again start to work - no problems!

What's happening - any ideas?

Best regards


08-01-2012, 11:24 PM
I'd consider the possibility that these are 2 unrelated problems, and for the second one it sounds like someone, or something is pressing the Escape Key. Ever had any coffee spilled on that corner of the keyboard?

08-02-2012, 01:29 AM
Check in VBE to see whether a breakpoint has been set inadvertantly (all it takes is a click in the wrong spot!).