View Full Version : Solved: Dependent combo boxes in a User form

08-15-2012, 09:28 PM
In my Workbook Book1WedTest.xls userform, I am trying to have ComboBox2 populated from the selection made in ComboBox1
Then, Set that as the search criteria ( Set ComboBox2 = TextBox1 )

I can't get the ListView to display all of the Row and Column data.

Also, I want to ADD another textbox & search button.
How do you search the whole database and display the data in the Listview window .

Any help appreciated.

Bob Phillips
08-16-2012, 01:06 AM
Gets an object error on my Win 7 64bit system.

08-16-2012, 09:24 AM
To give an impression cfr. teh attachment

08-16-2012, 03:21 PM
snb Thanks.
However, I got an error in the Private Sub ComboBox3_Change at the following point.
sp(j, 1) = Val(sp(j, 1))

I'm running XP and office 2003

08-16-2012, 03:24 PM

The error is
Run-time error 9
Subscript out of range.

08-16-2012, 08:32 PM
I was able to resolve most of the issues, but one line of code in the
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
is causing a problem. I cant figure out how to clear all the values. The first search is OK, however, when I try to do a 2nd search on any field other than the Company Name , this line of code throws an error.

If sn(j, ComboBox1.ListIndex) <> "" And InStr("|" & c01, "|" & sn(j, ComboBox1.ListIndex) & "|") = 0 Then c01 = c01 & "|" & sn(j, ComboBox1.ListIndex)

The Error is:
Run-time error '9';
Subscript out of range

See modified worksheet attached.
Really need help on this. Thanks

08-20-2012, 09:59 AM
In case anyone needed a working solution, I Changed the whole Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() structure:

Dim Rng
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim Col As Variant
Col = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, Col).End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng = Range(Cells(2, Col), Cells(LastRow, Col))
For Each cell In Rng
ComboBox2.AddItem cell.text

Bob Phillips
08-20-2012, 10:49 AM
You can avoid the loop

Dim Col As Variant
Col = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1
ComboBox2.List = Application.Index(Application.Transpose(Range(Cells(2, Col), Cells(2, Col).End(xlDown))), 1, 0)

08-21-2012, 12:34 AM
You can avoid more:


08-25-2012, 12:45 PM
Thanks All!
snb: Did you ever figure out what the problem was in your original code ?

If sn(j, ComboBox1.ListIndex) <> "" And InStr("|" & c01, "|" & sn(j, ComboBox1.ListIndex) & "|") = 0 Then c

08-25-2012, 01:09 PM
Problems with using your suggested code:
snb: Your code only works for column 1. It never gets to col 2 or beyond. The point is to search whichever column is selected.

XLD: Your code only lists values before there's a 0.00 or no value in a column. It does NOT capture all the values in a column.