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View Full Version : Solved: UserForm find not finding dollar amounts

08-17-2012, 10:51 PM
How can I format my comboboxes so that they show the exact amount on the worksheet, and allow find to work correctly.
Find is NOT finding values ending in 0 even after I formatted the text and comboboxes using
ComboBox2.Text = Format(ComboBox2.Text, "#,###.##")

See attached 2003 excel sheet. Use the full search checkbox to test.
Any ideas?


Bob Phillips
08-18-2012, 03:27 AM
Change all of the "#,###.##" formats to "#,##0.00"

Why are you overlayying that textbox on the combobox, what purpose does that serve?

08-18-2012, 11:49 AM
xld: Distinguished Lord of VBAX:


That worked perfectly. The textbox was previously used on some other calculation functions and I wanted a common “ Collector”. Its still there because of testing etc.. etc..