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View Full Version : VBA not catching error

08-28-2012, 09:11 AM
I received an automation error when trying to unlink a chart in Excel 2007.

A sheet/charts were copied to a new workbook and the links are to be broken. Part of this involves the following code :

Sub Unlink2007Charts()
Dim chrtObj As ChartObject
Dim sc As SeriesCollection, sr As Series, _
result As Range, temp As String, i As Integer, _
ar() As String, j As Integer

For Each chrtObj In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects
Set sc = chrtObj.Chart.SeriesCollection
' For each of the series
For i = 1 To sc.Count
sc(i).Values = sc(i).Values
sc(i).XValues = sc(i).XValues 'F9 to debug
End Sub

Although a chart may generate with an invalid XValues range (becuase the cells are empty), when I try to unlink using the above code it produces a debug on the XValues = XValues line.

Trying to run commands in the immediate window produces the runtime error.

?ubound(sc(i).Values) 'WORKS
?ubound(sc(i).XValues) 'PRODUCES ERROR

I tried to test an error catch by wrapping is in ISERROR() and it still produces the runtime error.

How can I catch / account for this error? Even trying to find ISERROR or UBOUND results in the debug...

08-28-2012, 11:23 AM

Sub Unlink2007Charts()
Dim chrtObj As ChartObject
Dim sc As SeriesCollection, sr As Series, _
result As Range, temp As String, i As Integer, _
ar() As String, j As Integer
Dim xV As Variant

For Each chrtObj In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects
Set sc = chrtObj.Chart.SeriesCollection
' For each of the series
For i = 1 To sc.Count
xV = sc(i).XValues
sc(i).Values = sc(i).Values
On Error Resume Next
sc(i).XValues = xV 'F9 to debug
End Sub

08-29-2012, 02:05 AM
Can you please explain the significance of assigning XValues to a variable first?

Also, final point - this sub is called from a main sub/module with it's own error handling. The OnError Resume Next command will only be valid for this sub, with the OnError GoTo ErrHandler still being valid when control is returned to the main sub?