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View Full Version : 430 Error when Macro Run

10-22-2012, 12:04 PM
Hello Experts,

I have Macros and buttons linked and working with an outside data warehouse. The template simply requires the user to enter a date and Entity and hit a "Refresh Data" button on the template. That button calls the refresh data from the data warehouse and also does some formatting and other functions to the template. The issue I am having is user specific. I have one user that is getting an error that I cannot solve. I have double checked his PC requirements, security to the data, Macro Settings, .net and C++ versions and cannot find anything different than my PC or other users who do not receive the error. The error pops up immediately when the refresh data button is pushed.

Error: Error in Refresh Data! (430). No debug or anything. Any thoughts on settings or reasons one user may get this?


10-27-2012, 05:06 AM
These can get pretty bizarre, usually to do with library versions. Have a look at this Link (http://forums.codeguru.com/showthread.php?512553-Error-430-trying-to-instantiate-db-connection)for an example, and maybe some ideas.