View Full Version : Solved: Reset line numbers in bulleted list

10-25-2012, 01:03 PM

I have an Excel macro which sends to Word some data. Word builds a 4 page letter(survey). I loop to the next data row and send this data again.

The original code printed each Word document and could generate 1200+ letters which tied up the printer for a couple of hours. I have modified this code to create a single Word document (which actually becomes a PDF) so it enables me to print a few surveys, allow other users print time, and continue my process.

The survey questions are bulleted and numbered, but each survey continues the number sequence instead of starting over. I can't find the solution. Here's a code fragment:

Set wrdApp = New Word.Application


For i = 1 to rowNum
rngDoc.InsertFile _
' Put data in bookmarks
next i

I delete all the bookmarks before I insert the next survey. Again the problem is the survey questions do not reset to one in the loop so the numbers get large which makes the document not fit.
