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View Full Version : Automatic consolidate report from selected excel files

11-24-2012, 05:06 AM
Hi Guys,

I have some excel sheets which is having name as date wise.
it is the data of team by date wise. the name will look like...team data-"11/22/2012". In this file we have sheet names as persons names. it means one particular sheet is showing a report of that person on that day. these files will be saved on daily basis. if i want to take a report of one month it means 30 files i need to open and copy to a seperate excel file.

in this again i need to copy all the users data it means, sheets.

is there any macro, if i select some files(on which dates i want report) that macro should copy of all the users data, in all files and pasted in one file.

i have attached 3 excel files.
2 files are updated on date wise.
i have also attached a consolidated report of these 2 excel files.
i need report like this, from these 2 excel files.

please help me on this....:motz2:
